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Top 6 Facebook Trends to Increase Social Media Engagement in 2024

Do you find yourself scrolling through your social media accounts the moment you wake up? You’re not alone. Surprising as it may be, over 55% of users engage with social media platforms right after waking. But, do you know which social platform is highly preferred by these users? Yes, it is Facebook. 

Facebook is a powerhouse for connecting with audiences and building communities with 2 billion worldwide users, 68% of whom are active users. With so many people preferring Facebook, it tends to be a potent platform for brands of every size to build a loyal community. As we step into 2024, staying updated on the latest Facebook Trends can help you to create something that truly resonates with your target audience and increases your engagement and sales in the long term.

 Thus, let us explore the top six Facebook Trends that are set to dominate and elevate engagement in the coming year. Stay tuned for BOTLIE‘s in-depth trending research – your guide to achieving stellar results in the year ahead!

6 Facebook Trends to Increase Social Media Engagement

Let us take you through the 6 phenomenal Facebook Trends that are sure to hit the social realm in the year 2024. 

1. Facebook Live

To establish authenticity among your Facebook audience, live streaming is your best bet! It provides a unique opportunity to showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses, host Q&A sessions, launch products, or conduct interviews

Facebook Live often notifies followers when you’re about to go live, increasing the chances of immediate engagement. If the content is compelling, relevant, and resonates with the audience, it has the potential to become one of your Trending Videos. In other words, this viral video can uplift not only your followers but also your social engagement.

Live video is becoming a big deal, and it’s going to be even bigger in 2024. Your brand could take full advantage by showcasing the company’s inner workings, from testing products to the actual making process.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) Experience

Who doesn’t love a visual experience? With Augmented Reality, you can provide the audience with a real-time experience, whether it’s a puppy face or your newly launched sunglasses. In 2024, there is a strong belief that there will be a surge in the number of AR filters, effects, and interactive elements in both organic posts and advertisements. 

Businesses can utilize this opportunity to give their audience an experience of their product. This would enhance interaction and increase the number of sales through online channels. For example, a clothing brand could exclusively launch a new collection to the social audience through AR filters. This allows users to virtually try on outfits without putting effort into visiting your store. This would surely tempt them to visualize themselves in the outfit and encourage them to make a purchase. Hence, your sales are going to boost from the first day of launch. 

3. Share Stories 

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Stories can never be outdated; they become a powerful tool for brands, especially for beginners looking to introduce their brand. A great story can make them laugh, and cry, and foster an emotional connection with your brand. You can share stories about employees, products, or your amazing journey. 

There are multiple ways to do this; you can spread the magic of storytelling through videos. The more engaging these videos are, the more likely they are to stand out in your audience’s news feed and become Viral Video.

However, try uploading the video directly to Facebook rather than pasting a YouTube link. You could also share stories through visually appealing and engaging posts.

4. Personalized Content

In addition to Trending Videos of brand stories, interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and surveys becomes an effective approach to add a personal touch. BOTLIE, with years of experience in social media management, observes that personalization is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a key driver of social media success. Additionally, it can provide valuable potential insights.

By encouraging participation, businesses can create a sense of involvement and make users feel heard. Incorporating personalization and interactivity into content strategies will be pivotal for standing out in users’ feeds

5. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Ever notice those cool Trending Videos everyone’s talking about? Well, that’s where User-Generated Content (UGC) steps in – it’s like your friend’s video going viral, but on a bigger stage.

As the name suggests, UGC is content created by users. It could be a product video, a lifestyle image—anything created by users. UGC content can become your online testimonials and encourage more users to join your community. Thus, make sure you’re encouraging your customers to share their UGC on Facebook. Here are a few ways:

  • Reward creators whose content secures a spot in a Viral Video.
  • Run a hashtag contest focusing on your product; those who win the contest are presented with the unique opportunity of becoming brand advocates for your brand.

6. Short Form Videos

Short-form videos, popularly known as reels, have revolutionized the algorithms of some social platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Thus, if you wish for your content to become one of the Trending Videos, consider adding more Reels video clips to your mix.

Make Your Content Facebook’s Biggest Trend

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Hey, Facebook fans! You know how Facebook rocks the social scene, right? It’s the trendsetter, shaping how we connect. Whether you’re into quick videos or creating your stuff, let’s ride that engagement wave together. Now, blogs are cool, but let’s keep it real—trying a thousand ideas for that one Viral Video. Tough with a busy schedule.

But guess what? No worries! We’ve got your back. Stay on top of Facebook Trends in 2024 with BOTLIE. We’ve got the tricks, we’ve done it for big brands, and we know what clicks, and what flops. Let’s make every piece you create the next big thing.

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8 On-Page SEO Tips and Strategies For Google Search Ranking

Creating an engaging, informative blog is truly admirable, but bringing that blog post to your target audience’s attention is undoubtedly a task! Thanks to on-page SEO, you have the power to capture the right audience and attract thousands of new visitors to your website.

The best thing about on-page SEO is that the writer doesn’t have to compromise on creativity. At the same time, following certain tips and tricks of on-site SEO can significantly boost the website’s performance. This creates a win-win situation for both the writer and SEO experts who may work with different approaches, but all aiming to reach the right target audience.

If you’re unsure how to get started, don’t worry—BOTLIE has compiled all the information at your fingertips. Stay with us to make your hour productive!

Table of Contents 

  1. What is On-Page SEO?
  2. 8 On-Page SEO Tips to Boost Your Website’s Performance
  3. How Off-Page SEO & Technical SEO Help Google Search Ranking
  4. Conclusion

What is On-Page SEO?

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On-page SEO is the process of optimizing web pages and their content for both human eyes and search engines. Its purpose is to signal to search engines, such as Google, that your website offers valuable information or services to visitors. Optimizing for Google and other search engines is essential to ensure your valuable content appears when relevant searches are made. It improves rankings and attracts new traffic.

Common tips associated with on-page SEO include focusing on on-site elements such as keyword research, headers, page URLs, internal linking, and more.

Below, we will cover 8 important techniques to optimize on-site SEO elements and bring your page under more eyes.

8 On-Page SEO Tips to Boost Your Website’s Performance

Let’s take a close look at 8 on-site SEO tips to enhance your site’s ranking.

  1. Write Informative, Engaging Content

Write high-quality, keyword-relevant content to better engage with the audience and provide value for their search. Google highly prioritizes user experience; therefore, offering value for the reader’s time is crucial to getting into the list of Google’s trusted sites.

Start with keyword research to find searchable topics and target keywords. You can utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMRUSH for easy keyword research. BOTLIE’s team of SEO experts highly recommends going for less competitive, long-tail keywords.

  • Users usually prefer long-tail searches, and by targeting low-search-volume keywords with less difficulty, your website can rank more easily.
  • Keywords must be naturally incorporated into your content; otherwise, it can prompt search engines to categorize the page as spam or keyword stuffing.
  1. Strategic Placement of Keywords

Keywords are at the forefront of on-site SEO, and for many, this term might be new, especially if you are a beginner. Let us provide you with a brief idea about this term. Keywords are the words users type into a search engine to get the desired information. When a search occurs, Google scans your page to check whether your page carries the user-looking keywords. Thus, placing the keywords strategically can easily alert Google and your readers about what the page is about.

Here are a few key areas for the best placement of keywords:
  • Main Heading (H1)
  • First Paragraph of Introduction
  • Subheadings (H2, H3…)
  1. Attention Grabbing Meta Description

Although the meta description is considered outdated today, it can still be a deciding factor for users when determining whether to click on your page. Here are a few practices to encourage your readers to click more:

  • Keep the meta description short because Google abbreviates meta descriptions above 120 characters for mobile users.
  • Include a call to action, such as “find” or “know more,” to build a sense of curiosity.
  1. Visual Content

Visual content, such as images and graphics plays a significant role in making a page more appealing. It helps content appear more scannable and easily digestible. Keep quality and uniqueness high when it comes to visual content.

  1. Image Alt-Text

Image alt-text increases the chances of your site being discovered through images. It informs search engines about the content of your images, which is crucial because Google now delivers almost as many image-based results as it does text-based results.

  1. User-Friendly URLs

Creating simple and user-friendly URLs is another aspect of on-page SEO. Using the target keyword in the URL is a good way to signal to Google what your page is about.

  1. Add Internal Links 

Adding internal links is crucial if you want users to explore more of your website. Therefore, maintaining a balance in the number of internal links and fixing broken links is important to help search engines understand your site structure.

  1. External Linking

External linking is typically associated with off-page SEO. Google recommends adding external links to authoritative sites to enhance the user experience. However, only include external links from trusted sites that are related to the topic.

How Off-Page SEO & Technical SEO Help Google Search Ranking

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Off-page SEO and technical SEO are both important components in improving a website’s Google search rankings. Off-page SEO refers to activities performed outside of a website, such as link building and social media presence, which can help increase a website’s authority and credibility. This, in turn, can improve the website’s search visibility and rankings. technical SEO, on the other hand, involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data, to make it more user-friendly and search engine-friendly. By improving these technical elements, a website can have a better chance of ranking higher in Google search results. 

Get Expert Assistance with On-page SEO

We understand that many businesses lack the time for strategic implementation of these tips. That’s why BOTLIE is always prepared to elevate your website with results-driven strategies. Beyond just on-page SEO, we excel in off-page SEO through powerful backlinks and ensure speedy website delivery with technical SEO. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to propelling your website to the top of search results.

Contact us now and Get FREE Consultation SEO services!

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
Can Digital Marketing Replace Traditional Marketing?

The social world is no longer confined merely as a medium of socializing; it has opened a gateway of vast opportunities for brands by inventing the smartest marketing tactic: online marketing. 

Are you interested in interacting with your audience while advertising? 

Would you like to drive more traffic to your website? 

Do you want to decide the amount spent on promotion? 

Would you like to reach only a targeted audience?

 Everything is possible with a well-planned Digital Marketing Strategy. Now, the big question to ponder is where the world of billboards and TV ads- traditional marketing, stands in the emerging marketing realm. 

Let’s conduct a quick analysis of Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing in this blog, and find an effective answer to the most asked question: digital marketing or traditional marketing?

Table of Contents

  1. What is Traditional Marketing?
  2. What is Digital Marketing?
  3. Traditional Marketing V/S Digital Marketing?
  4. Conclusion

What is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing has been around for decades and involves the promotion of products through offline media. Here are some forms of traditional marketing:

Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing
  • Print Media: This includes advertisements in newspapers and magazines.
  • Broadcast Media: Television and radio advertisements provide a visual experience to showcase products or services.
  • Direct Mail: Sending physical promotional materials such as brochures and flyers directly to potential customers via postal mail.
  • Outdoor Advertising: This involves placing advertisements in physical spaces, such as billboards in bus stops.
  • Telemarketing: Contacting potential customers via telephone to promote products or services.

This method of marketing often aims to attract a local audience or older demographics unfamiliar with digital platforms. However, it requires more financial investment than online marketing and involves one-way communication, where the message is delivered to the audience without direct interaction.

What is Digital Marketing?

The concept of digital marketing is to promote products and services through online media, with a focus on increasing a brand’s presence on the internet. This Digital Marketing strategy encompasses a range of online tactics aimed at enhancing a brand’s visibility, attracting potential customers, and driving engagement. A local marketing agency plays a crucial role in achieving this. Let’s explore the key components used for this:

Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing online content to rank higher in search engine results. A local marketing agency ensures that your website appears at the top of searches by initiating on-page SEO and technical SEO.
  • Content Marketing: Crafting compelling content to encourage customers to take a call to action immediately. 
  • Email Marketing: Sending targeted messages and promotions directly to a subscriber’s inbox to nurture leads and build a strong foundation for future communication.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC): Placing ads on search engines or social media and only paying when someone clicks the ad. This marketing strategy is often recommended by local marketing agency for its cost-efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Social Media Marketing: Leveraging platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote products or services and engage with the audience.

One notable advantage of digital marketing is the ability to reach a global audience from a local touchpoint. However, choosing the right digital marketing strategy to achieve your goals is crucial, as each platform is different. Therefore, consider partnering with a local marketing agency like ours to reach your customers effectively. 

Difference between traditional Marketing V/S Digital Marketing?

Media Processes

  • Digital Marketing: The Online Marketing utilizes online platforms like websites, social media, search engines, email, and mobile apps and also there is a trend going on in Wi-Fi marketing.
  • Traditional Marketing: Relies on offline channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, billboards, and events.

Targeting and Personalization

  • Digital Marketing: Enables precise targeting based on demographics, geographic location, online behavior, and other factors, allowing for highly customized ads.
  • Traditional Marketing: Offers limited targeting options and lower personalization in advertisements.

Cost and ROI

  • Digital Marketing: This Digital Marketing Strategy is cost-effective with budget control and real-time data analytics for tracking return on investment (ROI).
  • Traditional Marketing: Requires higher budgets for ad placement and production, with challenges in tracking ROI effectively.

Interactivity and Engagement:

  • Digital Marketing: Facilitates direct interaction with users through comments, likes, shares, reviews, and feedback on digital channels.
  • Traditional Marketing: Involves less direct engagement with the audience in traditional advertising methods.

Measurability and Analytics:

  • Digital Marketing: Through Online Marketing, campaign performance can be analyzed in real time, providing insights into the effectiveness of different strategies.
  • Traditional Marketing: Poses challenges in measuring campaign performance, lacking real-time data availability.

Geographic Coverage

  • Digital Marketing: Enables reaching a global audience through online channels.
  • Traditional Marketing: Primarily targets local or regional audiences.

Speed Implementation

  • Digital Marketing: Enables quick implementation of campaigns. Ad creatives can be developed, reviewed, and launched rapidly, making it suitable for time-sensitive promotions or events.
  • Traditional Marketing: Involves longer lead times due to the production and distribution processes for materials like print ads, billboards, or TV commercials.

Both digital marketing and traditional marketing have different methods, and businesses choose between them based on their goals and what their target audience prefers. Often, a good marketing plan combines both digital and traditional approaches for the best results.

Ready to Choose?

Now that you have a clear understanding of the contributions of Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing for your business, it’s time to make a decision. Embracing this new marketing strategy doesn’t mean you have to abandon traditional practices. Just as we welcomed the transformations from landlines to keypads to smartphones, adapting to both Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing means recognizing that the goal is marketing, but one can be more effective, and speedy than the other.

If you wish to go global, expanding your wings in every local area, don’t hesitate to get in touch with BOTLIE now!