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8 Social Media Marketing Strategies to Get More Leads in 2024

You have come across Trending Content on Instagram and Viral Video, but if you are considering these just as social media posts, then you are losing to make the most out of Social Media Marketing Strategies. In this digital era, each social post is more than just social media posts. There is an intention, a strategy behind every post favoring the brand. Do you know that more than 81% of small and medium businesses use social media channels to build awareness and generate new leads? But social media is a shifting sea of changes; some trends turn into Viral Videos, whereas some leave the realm without a whisper. Thus, to get you for the 2024 social realm, we have gathered eight unique Social Media Marketing Strategies, which will help you to gain more leads and boost your business without much effort or investment. So, join BOTLIE in this discussion because we are not letting you ride alone in this wave.

What Should You Know About Social Media Lead Generation?

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Social media lead generation is the process of identifying, attracting, and converting potential customers or leads through various Social Media platforms. Once the lead is identified, it is classified into new leads, working leads, qualified leads, unqualified leads, etc. To derive social media lead generation, businesses employ several Social Media Marketing Strategies, such as creating compelling content, running targeted ads, etc. Here are a few tips for starting your journey with social media:

  • Avoid Perfectionism: BOTLIE, with diverse experience across various social platforms, has observed that getting hung up on making sure every post is perfect often leads to spending too much time tweaking already good posts. Not every post needs to be perfect; just put your best foot forward!
  • Social Goals: Be clear about the purpose behind creating a social post. For example, you might have seen reels as Trending Content on Instagram. The purpose of this 30-second clip is to capture wider attention.
  • Be Consistent: While the social realm is ideal for brand building and lead generation, expecting overnight success can lead to disappointment. The social world follows a short and crisp mantra: “Be consistent and give your best.” One day, you are going to rule this social world.

What are the Social Media Strategies for Lead Generation?

1. Brand Awareness with Video Content

In recent years, video content has become the crown jewel of the social realm. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook are flooded with Trending Content on Instagram and Viral Videos. If the purpose of your social media strategy is brand awareness, leveraging the power of video content is an absolute choice. 
Start with reels, expand to vlogs, and then utilize the live streaming feature. Remember, to include a call-to-action in every social material. For example, you might have seen a video link in the comment section of a Viral Video on YouTube.

2. Chatbots for Real-Time Interaction

Once users are excited about your unique products and brand, they may have queries or desire real-time conversation. Implement chatbots on your social media pages to engage with users in real time, answer queries, and guide them through the sales funnel. This strategy plays a crucial role in converting potential leads into loyal customers.

3. Know Users’ Needs with Social Listening

Social listening is pivotal if you wish to stay ahead of the competition and attract even your competitors’ leads. It is actively monitoring and analyzing social media channels for mentions, discussions, and trends related to a particular brand, industry, or topic. Participate in conversations by responding to mentions and addressing concerns. By doing this, you can create content that resonates and attracts potential leads.

4. Word-of-mouth with Influencer Marketing

It is the best way to convert unqualified leads to warm leads by collaborating with Social Media influencer experts in your industry. You can capture the attention of many qualified leads. When influencers promote your business, many cold leads will consider trying your brand due to the influencer’s guarantee.

5. Public Word-of-Mouth Offering Incentives

This is one of the most successful lead-generation strategies. Run a social media contest to gain a list of leads. Engage with interested people and encourage them to share their feedback and content within their social circle. This will create positive word-of-mouth about your brand and expedite the lead-generation process.

6. Offer a Shopping Experience With Social Commerce

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The integration of E-commerce features within social media platforms is gaining momentum. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram now offer seamless shopping experiences, allowing users to make purchases without leaving the app. Optimizing this feature eases user conversion and boosts sales numbers.

7. Build a Loyal Community With Giveaways

Social media users love the chance to win prizes or gain exclusive access. Utilize these opportunities to collect valuable user data and build a database of potential leads for future marketing efforts.

8. Potential Lead Generation With Targeted Paid Ads

Paid Ads are more result-driven and profitable. Social media allows you to target your audience within your budget. Now, take a step further and create personalized ads to make the targeted ads more effective.

Ready to Boost Your Lead List in 2024?

Congratulations, you’re all set to dive into the showbiz world with these 8 unique strategies! Keep in mind, that tips might have an expiry date in the ever-changing social realm, from algorithm shifts to the Trending Content on Instagram. But fear not, BOTLIE‘s got you covered for a lifetime. We’ve got a bag of tricks – old, new, emerging – and our team constantly wows clients with stellar results. Are you prepared to elevate your social media lead-generation efforts in 2024? Let us know in the comments below!

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Top 6 Facebook Trends to Increase Social Media Engagement in 2024

Do you find yourself scrolling through your social media accounts the moment you wake up? You’re not alone. Surprising as it may be, over 55% of users engage with social media platforms right after waking. But, do you know which social platform is highly preferred by these users? Yes, it is Facebook. 

Facebook is a powerhouse for connecting with audiences and building communities with 2 billion worldwide users, 68% of whom are active users. With so many people preferring Facebook, it tends to be a potent platform for brands of every size to build a loyal community. As we step into 2024, staying updated on the latest Facebook Trends can help you to create something that truly resonates with your target audience and increases your engagement and sales in the long term.

 Thus, let us explore the top six Facebook Trends that are set to dominate and elevate engagement in the coming year. Stay tuned for BOTLIE‘s in-depth trending research – your guide to achieving stellar results in the year ahead!

6 Facebook Trends to Increase Social Media Engagement

Let us take you through the 6 phenomenal Facebook Trends that are sure to hit the social realm in the year 2024. 

1. Facebook Live

To establish authenticity among your Facebook audience, live streaming is your best bet! It provides a unique opportunity to showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses, host Q&A sessions, launch products, or conduct interviews

Facebook Live often notifies followers when you’re about to go live, increasing the chances of immediate engagement. If the content is compelling, relevant, and resonates with the audience, it has the potential to become one of your Trending Videos. In other words, this viral video can uplift not only your followers but also your social engagement.

Live video is becoming a big deal, and it’s going to be even bigger in 2024. Your brand could take full advantage by showcasing the company’s inner workings, from testing products to the actual making process.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) Experience

Who doesn’t love a visual experience? With Augmented Reality, you can provide the audience with a real-time experience, whether it’s a puppy face or your newly launched sunglasses. In 2024, there is a strong belief that there will be a surge in the number of AR filters, effects, and interactive elements in both organic posts and advertisements. 

Businesses can utilize this opportunity to give their audience an experience of their product. This would enhance interaction and increase the number of sales through online channels. For example, a clothing brand could exclusively launch a new collection to the social audience through AR filters. This allows users to virtually try on outfits without putting effort into visiting your store. This would surely tempt them to visualize themselves in the outfit and encourage them to make a purchase. Hence, your sales are going to boost from the first day of launch. 

3. Share Stories 

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Stories can never be outdated; they become a powerful tool for brands, especially for beginners looking to introduce their brand. A great story can make them laugh, and cry, and foster an emotional connection with your brand. You can share stories about employees, products, or your amazing journey. 

There are multiple ways to do this; you can spread the magic of storytelling through videos. The more engaging these videos are, the more likely they are to stand out in your audience’s news feed and become Viral Video.

However, try uploading the video directly to Facebook rather than pasting a YouTube link. You could also share stories through visually appealing and engaging posts.

4. Personalized Content

In addition to Trending Videos of brand stories, interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and surveys becomes an effective approach to add a personal touch. BOTLIE, with years of experience in social media management, observes that personalization is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a key driver of social media success. Additionally, it can provide valuable potential insights.

By encouraging participation, businesses can create a sense of involvement and make users feel heard. Incorporating personalization and interactivity into content strategies will be pivotal for standing out in users’ feeds

5. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Ever notice those cool Trending Videos everyone’s talking about? Well, that’s where User-Generated Content (UGC) steps in – it’s like your friend’s video going viral, but on a bigger stage.

As the name suggests, UGC is content created by users. It could be a product video, a lifestyle image—anything created by users. UGC content can become your online testimonials and encourage more users to join your community. Thus, make sure you’re encouraging your customers to share their UGC on Facebook. Here are a few ways:

  • Reward creators whose content secures a spot in a Viral Video.
  • Run a hashtag contest focusing on your product; those who win the contest are presented with the unique opportunity of becoming brand advocates for your brand.

6. Short Form Videos

Short-form videos, popularly known as reels, have revolutionized the algorithms of some social platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Thus, if you wish for your content to become one of the Trending Videos, consider adding more Reels video clips to your mix.

Make Your Content Facebook’s Biggest Trend

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Hey, Facebook fans! You know how Facebook rocks the social scene, right? It’s the trendsetter, shaping how we connect. Whether you’re into quick videos or creating your stuff, let’s ride that engagement wave together. Now, blogs are cool, but let’s keep it real—trying a thousand ideas for that one Viral Video. Tough with a busy schedule.

But guess what? No worries! We’ve got your back. Stay on top of Facebook Trends in 2024 with BOTLIE. We’ve got the tricks, we’ve done it for big brands, and we know what clicks, and what flops. Let’s make every piece you create the next big thing.